Healthy Balance | Aged Care Consultancy
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Aged Care Consultancy

Healthy Balance specialises in providing a wide range of allied health consultancy services to residential aged care facilities (RACFs), independent living and retirement villages throughout Australia. Healthy Balance understands that each aged care facility is different and it is fundamental that an allied health program is tailored specifically for the needs of the facility and its residents. Healthy Balance can offer an extensive, innovative and premium program to meet the needs of residents and the aged care facility.  Services provided to aged care facilities include:

Individual allied health consultations to residents

Educational presentations to residents and staff

Fall prevention assessments

Aged Care Funding Instruments (ACFI) Advisory Services;

– Pain management programs funded under ACFI Gap analysis reviews; and

– ACFI Accreditation Support

Menu review and evaluation

Delivery of relevant exercise programs

Fall prevention assessments

NSW Health identifies falls prevention as a priority for people in Residential Aged care Facilities (RACFs) and the community. 1 in 3 people over 65 years will fall each year. Many of these falls result in morbidity and long term debilitation. Many of these falls are preventable. (Lord SR. Visual risk factors for falls in older people. Age and Ageing 2006;35-S2:42-45.).

Healthy Balance has developed best practice guidelines, assessments and exercise programs to educate and assist elderly patients in helping to prevent falls.

Learn more about our age care services