Healthy Balance | Dietitian Clinic Services
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Dietitian Clinic Services

Healthy Balance is one of the largest group of private Accredited Practising Dietitians (APDs) operating in Australia.  Healthy Balance dietitians are focused on ongoing professional development and committed to upholding the Dietitian Association of Australia (DAA) Professional Conduct and Code of Ethics. A Healthy Balance dietitian provides food and nutrition advice and can consult patients in any of the following areas:

Healthy Balance health check assessment

Healthy eating education

Weight management

Nutritional supplements and support

Gastric reflux / constipation

Diabetes / impaired glucose tolerance

Cardiovascular disease / high cholesterol

Nutritional deficiencies / cancer / malnutrition


The cost of the dietitian services depends on the services you need and your eligibility for government subsidies including Medicare (Enhanced primary care – EPC), NDIS and DVA.

DVA Health Cards (Gold) are accepted as payment upon a GP referral.

Healthy Balance also offer private funded consultation services, which patients may be entitled to make a claim with their private health insurer.

Appointments and Cancellations

Please contact by telephone the medical practice or allied health centre if you wish to schedule, change or cancel an appointment with a Healthy Balance dietitian.

Where to find a Healthy Balance Dietitian

Healthy Balance provides dietitian services from a large number of medical and allied health centres throughout metropolitan Sydney. By working closely with your doctor, we can provide a holistic and comprehensive dietitian consultation in a convenient location.

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